Dental Implants – Corpus Christi, TX

Creating Beautiful Smiles That Last for Decades

Tooth loss can make it harder to eat your favorite foods, speak clearly, and smile with confidence. Traditional dentures and bridges can fill in the gap, but they only replace the top portion of missing teeth. Dental implants, on the other hand, go one step further and restore the missing tooth root as well, making them the most comprehensive tooth replacement option available today. Are dental implants the right choice for rebuilding your smile? Find out by calling our periodontal office and scheduling a consultation with Dr. Garcia today to discuss tooth replacement with dental implants in Corpus Christi, TX.

Why Choose South Texas Periodontics & Implants for Dental Implants?

  • Highly Trained Board-Certified Periodontist
  • All-on-4 Dental Implant Treatment Available
  • Friendly and Knowledgeable Team

What are Dental Implants?

Woman smiling during dental implant consultation

A dental implant is a screwlike post normally made out of titanium or zirconium. They’re made to be inserted into the jaw and bond with the surrounding bone tissue. This allows them to give your new teeth stability and chewing strength that’s comparable to your natural teeth. A single dental implant post can support a dental crown to replace one tooth; meanwhile, multiple implants can be combined with bridges or dentures to replace multiple teeth.

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

Dentist using model smile to explain the four step dental implant process
  • Consultation: During your initial visit, we’ll examine your mouth to see how many implants are needed. We’ll also determine whether preparatory procedures like bone grafting will need to be performed before the surgery.
  • Implant Placement: Your mouth will be numbed for the surgery. Each implant post will be carefully placed in specifically chosen spots in the jawbone.
  • Osseointegration/Abutment: Implant posts typically need about three to six months to fuse with the jaw (which is a process called osseointegration). Once they do, we can attach a metal connector piece called an abutment to each post.
  • Final Restoration: The final crown, bridge, or denture will be designed based on an impression of your mouth. It will be attached to your implant(s) via the abutment(s) during one final appointment.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Smile model used to explain the benefits of dental implants

Deciding how to best restore your smile is not a choice you should make lightly. While there are many options available regarding tooth replacement, there is only one that offers countless benefits that cannot be matched with more traditional solutions. The benefits of dental implants range from increased longevity to improved oral health, and after reviewing the following advantages, you’ll learn why so many Americans are choosing dental implants to rebuild their smiles.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Dental implant in Corpus Christi
  • Ability to eat the foods you love - Dental implants are permanently anchored to your jaw. That means that, unlike traditional dentures, you won’t have to worry about your new teeth slipping when you’re trying to eat and speak.
  • Reduced risk of tooth decay & gum disease – Instead of worrying about cleaning a separate prosthetic, you can clean your dental implants using the same oral hygiene products. The only difference is to use non-abrasive toothpaste, as this will avoid scratches to your restorations.
  • Create a more youthful appearance – Because of how dental implants fit within the bone structure, they offer continuous stimulation to prevent facial sagging. This, as a result, helps to keep your smile and face more youthful over time.

Health Benefits

Woman wears dental implants in Corpus Christi
  • Your healthy teeth remain in place – When tooth loss occurs, nearby healthy teeth may try to shift to cover the space. However, dental implants help to avoid the potential of dental drift and the possibility of future orthodontic treatment.
  • Continuous jawbone stimulation – Since the implants are inserted directly into your jawbone, they can provide the stimulation that normally comes from your natural teeth. This lowers the risk of bone loss and helps you maintain a stronger, healthier jaw.
  • No need for tooth altering – An implant dentist will only work within your gums and jawbone, never will they touch healthy teeth. Fixed bridges may require altering abutment teeth to serve as anchors for the prosthetic, but dental implants allow you to keep more of your natural smile.

Long-Term Benefits

Man with  dental implants in Corpus Christi
  • Proven success rate – Patients who are leery about the success of dental implant placement will be pleased to learn that when placed by a skilled professional, these prosthetics have a 90-95% success rate upon initial placement.
  • Can last for decades – Dental implants can last for decades – or even the rest of a patient’s life – with minimal maintenance.
  • You can save money – Any type of tooth replacement will be costly; however, if you want to save more in the long run, there’s no better option than dental implants. As a cost-effective investment, you can avoid the high cost of denture adhesives over time as well as frequent replacements and adjustments.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Closeup of full smile after tooth replaced with dental implants

One of the great things about dental implants is that they can be used in the majority of tooth loss scenarios. Whether you have lost one, several, or all of your teeth, you can have your smile transformed. However, not everyone makes a good candidate right away. Here’s what you should know.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Man smiling outside

If you are a healthy adult, there is a good chance that dental implants will work for you! Here are the three main things we consider when determining if you are a good candidate for the procedure:

  • Good Overall Health: Placing dental implants requires a surgical procedure, so you need to be in good enough health to undergo minor surgery. 
  • Great Oral Health: If you have an issue like a cavity or gum disease, your dental implants are more likely to fail, so they’ll need to be addressed first.
  • Adequate Jawbone Density: You need to have a strong jawbone to support dental implants for your treatment to be successful. 

If you don’t make a good candidate for dental implants right away, don’t fret. They could still be an option for you in the future. Many patients end up needing to complete preliminary treatments, like extractions, gum disease therapy, or bone grafting, before getting dental implants. We can help to schedule these procedures to get you on track towards restoring your smile.

Missing One Tooth

Animated smile during dental implant supported dental crown placement

One dental implant post can be placed in the gap left by a missing tooth. Once the area around it has healed, it can support a dental crown that has been personalized to blend in with the rest of the patient’s smile. Implant crowns are often recommended over traditional bridges because they don’t require the removal of enamel.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported fixed bridge placement

When three or more teeth in a row are missing, they can be replaced simultaneously with two implant posts and a bridge. The crowns at either end of the bridge will rest on the implant posts while the pontics (false teeth) between them fill in the rest of the gap.

Missing All Teeth

Animated smile during dental implant supported denture placement

When all of the teeth in a single arch are missing, there’s no need to get a dental implant post for each of them. Four to six implants can be placed throughout the jaw to support a full set of new teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, an implant denture can be designed to stay in the mouth permanently, letting you brush and floss your new teeth like you would your original ones.

Alternatively, you may be a candidate for All-On-4 dental implants! This method is ideal for patients who have inadequate jawbone density. As the name implies, this option anchors a full denture securely in place with just four strategically placed dental implants. 

Learn More About All-On-4 Dental Implants Learn More About Implant Dentures

All-on-4 Dental Implant Dentures

Animated smile during all on four dental implant denture placement

The All-on-4 technique makes it possible to replace an entire row of teeth with only four implants. Said implants are inserted at angles that allow them to take advantage of the areas of the jaw where bone density is higher. This approach means that even patients with bone loss might be able to get dental implants right away. Another benefit of All-on-4 is that in many cases, a temporary denture can be placed on the same day as the implant surgery so that you aren’t left waiting for new teeth.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Man learning more about the cost of dental implants

Depending on the number of implants required, the need for preliminary treatments, and several other factors, the cost of dental implants can vary quite a bit from patient to patient. An estimate will be provided at your initial consultation so that you can start planning ahead of time.

Dental implants do have a higher cost than other forms of tooth replacement, but this can be balanced out in the long run by the fact that they last much longer. That means you won’t have to pay for replacements every 5 to 10 years.

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

Indeed, dental implants can make your smile full and healthy for years to come. That said, they’ll only do so if you take proper care of them. Your implants will fail early or need early replacements otherwise. Luckily enough, our team can help prevent this outcome. Below are some helpful tips on dental implant care in Corpus Christi. By reading them over, you’ll grasp how best to maintain your new teeth. So, keep reading or call our office for details!

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

True enough, implants are cavity-proof – their materials don’t erode like enamel. Still, the fact is that you should clean them daily. Failing to do so will lead to long-term problems.

Implants don’t exist in isolation; they’re set next to your natural teeth and gums. As a result, they can be affected by nearby oral issues. Should you get gum disease, the resulting gum recession could loosen your implant. It’d then erode the bone tissue supporting the prosthetic.

Thankfully, you can avoid such implant threats with proper oral hygiene. In particular, just brush twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse with mouthwash often.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Implants generally let you eat as you please, but they still have limits. They’ll last longer if you stick to a mouth-healthy diet.

The truth is that some foods are risky for implants. For example, hard foods like pretzels and nuts can chip them. Meanwhile, sticky and sugary things can wedge between implants and decay nearby teeth. These items would then cause oral issues known to trigger implant failure.

In contrast, foods with mouth-healthy nutrients help implants endure. Products with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C, especially, will prevent gum disease and strengthen your jaw.

Break Bad Habits

While implants are durable, bad oral habits can cause them to break or fail. As such, you should quit such practices before or soon after treatment.

Take smoking, for instance. Tobacco slows your recovery from implant surgery. It also encourages gum disease, which can trigger implant failure. So, stop this habit at least two weeks before implant placement.

Another habit to quit is chewing hard objects. The action can chip your implants, whether you’re biting a pencil, ice cubes, or your fingernails.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Implants can endure a lot. Still, they aren’t indestructible; they can and will get damaged with enough force. Therefore, protect them with good dental tools.

The best approach for this protection is to wear an oral appliance. With a sports mouthguard, you could protect your restoration from sports-related injuries.  Meanwhile, using a nightguard while you sleep would prevent wear and tear from bruxism.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

However careful you are, you can’t care for implants alone. There will inevitably be issues you miss. So, try to attend dental checkups and cleanings every six months. Professional care will offer further protection.

Don’t forget: checkups and cleanings stop threats to your implants. After all, they assess your mouth and treat minor issues before they worsen. In doing so, they keep your implants safe.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Did you know that dental implants are successful in more than 95% of cases? That is an impressive statistic! You should feel confident that your new teeth will stand the test of time. However, it is also important to acknowledge that in some rare cases, circumstances arise that lead to dental implant failure. What should you do if you ever suspect that something is amiss with your dental implants? Call our team. We will examine your mouth, strive to determine the cause of the problem, and recommend your next steps. We want to get your smile’s health and function back on track ASAP!

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure and Salvage

Dental Implant FAQs

Can I Take Dental Implants Out?

Dental implants are surgically implanted into the jaw and are not designed to be removed on a day-to-day basis. If you need to take out your dental implants, this will require our help.

Some types of implant dentures can be removed for cleaning, but only the prosthetic. Even in this case, the metal posts will still remain in the jaw.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last? 

As you can imagine, the longevity of your dental implant has a lot to do with how well you take care of it, along with a variety of other factors. However, provided that you keep up with basic dental hygiene, you can expect your dental implants to last for an incredibly long time.

A majority of dental implants last for over 30 years, and many of them endure for a lifetime! This is several times longer than other methods of tooth replacement.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implant surgery is fairly low-impact, and most people are able to resume their normal activities as soon as the next day. However, it’s usually a good idea to refrain from strenuous exercise for a few days, as excess blood flow could potentially delay healing.

Be sure to take note of any aftercare instructions that we give you to ensure that you bounce back as quickly as possible.

Can I Get Dental Implants If I Smoke?

While it’s possible for smokers to get dental implants, nicotine and tobacco use can impair the healing process. The suction involved in smoking can pull the emerging clot out of place, causing dry socket. It also restricts blood flow to the mouth.

For these reasons,  it’s strongly recommended that you quit smoking for two weeks before and three months after the treatment.