Crown Lengthening Corpus Christi

Preparing Your Smile for a Dental Crown

Since broken teeth can’t repair themselves, your best option is typically to have them restored with a dental crown. However, in some situations, it may not be possible to place a crown without first removing some gum tissue. This is where crown lengthening comes in. Thanks to this procedure, Dr. Garcia can help ensure that you’re able to get the high-quality restoration that you need to save your tooth. Call our team at South Texas Periodontics & Implants today if you think you might benefit from crown lengthening in Corpus Christi.

Why Choose South Texas Periodontics & Implants for Crown Lengthening?

  • Knowledgeable Board-Certified Periodontist
  • Advanced Periodontal Technology
  • Sedation for Nervous Patients

What Is Crown Lengthening?

Illustration of upper row of teeth with uneven gumline before crown lengthening in Corpus Christi

Crown lengthening involves the removal of gum tissue that is currently covering a specific tooth that is in need of restoration. This procedure isn’t always required prior to the placement of the dental crown, but it could be necessary in the following circumstances:

  • The tooth appears to be significantly shorter and stubbier than normal.
  • The tooth broke off at or below the gum line.
  • The tooth is suffering from significant decay beneath the gums.

We’ll need to take a close look at your teeth and your gums before determining whether to recommend crown lengthening in your case. Rest assured that if you do end up needing to undergo the procedure, we will take whatever steps are needed to keep you as comfortable as possible throughout the process.  

How Does Crown Lengthening Work?

Woman sitting in dental chair and smiling

We’ll go over the steps of crown lengthening with you to confirm that you fully understand what you can expect from the treatment. When the crown lengthening procedure begins, we can remove the unnecessary gum tissue from around the tooth in question. A soft-tissue laser can be used for this procedure; this approach minimizes bleeding and shortens the time needed for recovery afterward.

In some cases, crown lengthening may also require removing a small amount of bone in order to expose more of the tooth. Rest assured that we will aim to be as conservative as we can during the procedure by not removing more tissue than necessary.

What Are the Benefits of Crown Lengthening?

Close up of a man smiling

The primary benefit of the crown lengthening procedure is that it allows you to have important restorative dental work performed. By exposing more of the dental structure, we can make it possible to place a crown, thus allowing you to have the tooth in question saved instead of eventually needing to have it extracted.

It should also be noted that the results of crown lengthening are long-lasting. Generally speaking, removed gum tissue does not grow back. That means that you don’t have to worry about the gums regrowing and covering up your new dental crown.