South Texas Periodontics & Implants Blog

Dental Implants Can’t Get Cavities, but Watch Out for Gum Disease!

January 13, 2025

Dentist shows model of dental implant.

Dentists laud dental implants because they look, feel, and work just like real teeth so that people with tooth loss can enjoy the many benefits of a complete smile. Since these prosthetic devices are so incredibly lifelike, many prospective patients may wonder if they are vulnerable to the same infections as real teeth. Here’s a brief guide to why excellent oral hygiene is still necessary regardless of how many implants you have.


How Long Does It Take to Get Implant Dentures?

December 19, 2024

A pair of implant dentures

If you need to replace missing teeth, you’re probably eager to get started on the road to recovery. Getting implant dentures is an excellent way to restore your beautiful smile, but the magic doesn’t happen overnight. Here’s a rough estimate of what the process will look like, and how long you can expect it to take for your new gorgeous new grin to be ready to share with the world!


Dental Implant Benefits That’ll Make You Thankful During the Holidays

November 1, 2024

Man at Thanksgiving table excited to enjoy more food with dental implants

Thanksgiving has come around the corner and is on its way to the dinner table. Soon you’ll be able to enjoy the company of family and friends, and, if you have dental implants, plenty of good food! Before Black Friday comes screeching by with supermarket deals and online discounts, why not take a moment to appreciate your new replacement teeth? Here’s how dental implants will improve your holiday experience.


4 Factors to Determine How Many Dental Implants You Need

October 11, 2024

older patient having a dental consultation

How many dental implants will you need to complete your smile? At first, it may seem like a simple, straightforward question and one that you’d naturally ask if you are considering this replacement option. However, answering this question can get tricky, especially without meeting with a specialist in person. In fact, because of the complexity of implants, your periodontist won’t be able to give you a clear idea until they examine you and then consider these factors.


If I Smoke, Will That Hurt My Dental Implants?

September 12, 2024

Picture of a woman smoking

Dental implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth, but certain lifestyle factors can impact their success. Smoking, in particular, poses unique challenges to the implant process due to its effects on oral and overall health. This article will explore whether dental implants are feasible for smokers, the risks involved, and how to improve implant success if you’re a smoker.


Flossing Friendly: Caring for Dental Implants the Right Way

August 16, 2024

Patient flossing their dental implants

Dental implants are fantastic for many reasons, but one that often gets overlooked is just how easy they are to take care of. You simply treat them like your regular teeth, brushing and flossing as normal. But why should you bother flossing your implants at all? Aren’t they cavity-proof? If you’re curious, continue reading. You’ll see why flossing is extra important for dental implants and learn some ways to keep them in peak condition.


All-on-4 Implants: What to Eat & Drink After Your Surgery

July 16, 2024

a woman smiling while holding a bowl of soup

If you’re missing an entire arch of teeth, then you might need more than one dental implant to effectively rebuild your smile. With all-on-4 treatment, you’ll be able to regain your full bite while using a minimal amount of titanium posts to get the job done. However, you’ll want to pay attention to your daily habits, including your meals, so that you can enjoy a smoother recovery. Here’s what to know about eating and drinking after your all-on-4 dental implant surgery.


It’s All Connected: How Dental Implants Can Help You Live a Longer Life

June 14, 2024

Patient enjoying life with dental implants

Dental implants have revolutionized tooth replacement, finally providing a permanent solution that can significantly improve your quality of life. But can these modern marvels actually help you live longer? Science seems to suggest as much! Continue reading to see how replacing missing teeth with dental implants can potentially extend your life.


Everything You Need to Know Before Dental Implant Surgery

February 9, 2024

Dentist talking to their patient

Dental implants are one of the most celebrated tooth replacement options among dentists and patients alike. They offer a level of bite force and realism that’s almost unmatched, and they routinely last well over 30 years if maintained well.

Of course, getting dental implants requires surgery, which can sometimes make patients nervous. You’ll be happy to learn that the procedure is absolutely nothing to worry about, especially if you prepare properly beforehand. Here are a few things you can do to make sure that your surgery goes smoothly.


4 Questions You Should Ask a Periodontist About Gum Disease

August 15, 2023

patient with gum disease pointing to gums

Gum disease affects over half of American adults, encompassing various forms from gingivitis to the more severe periodontitis. This oral health concern can carry substantial consequences. If you’re troubled by bleeding and inflamed gums, seeking prompt consultation with your periodontist is essential. To work towards a healthier smile in the long term, here are four vital questions to address concerning gum disease.
